
An action client can be used to send goals to an ActionServer. One ActionClient has to have a single type of action but can send multiple goals simultaneously. Process can be tracked using either a goal handle manually or using callbacks.

An ActionClient can be created using the Ros2 Singleton as follows:

Item {
  // ...
  property var fibonacciClient: Ros2.createActionClient("fibonacci", "action_tutorials_interfaces/action/Fibonacci")
  // ...

In this example an action client is created using the action_tutorials_interfaces/action/Fibonacci action (it is important to use the complete action type here, not any part like the ActionGoal) using the name fibonacci on which an ActionServer should be registered (You can use the action tutorials fibonacci_server).

To send a goal, you can use the sendGoalAsync function:

if (!fibonacciClient.ready) {
  Ros2.error("Action client not ready yet!")
goal_handle = fibonacciClient.sendGoalAsync({ order: numberInput.value }, {
    // These callbacks are optional
    onGoalResponse(goal_handle) {
      if (!goal_handle) {
        // Goal was rejected
      // Handle goal accepted
    onFeedback(goal_hamdle, feedback) {
      // Handle feedback from action server
    onResult(result) {
      // Handle result from action server
      let goalId = result.goalId
      if (result.code == ActionGoalStatus.Succeeded) {
        // Handle success
        let goalResult = result.result
      } else if (result.code == ActionGoalStatus.Canceled) {
        // Handle canceled
      } else if (result.code == ActionGoalStatus.Aborted) {
        // Handle aborted

The sendGoalAsync function takes 2 parameters: the goal and an optional options object with optional callbacks for onGoalResponse, onFeedback and onResult. Both callbacks are optional. It returns a GoalHandle which can be used query to state of the goal or to cancel the goal. The goal_handle passed to the callbacks and the one returned are the same.


class ActionClient : public QObjectRos2

Public Functions

QObject *sendGoalAsync(const QVariantMap &goal, QJSValue options = QJSValue())

Sends a goal to the action server if it is connected.

  • goal – The goal that is sent to the action server.

  • options – An object with optional callback members for:

    • goal_response: onGoalResponse(goal_handle) goal_handle will be null if goal was rejected

    • feedback: onFeedback(goal_handle, feedback_message)

    • result: onResult(wrapped_result) where wrapped_result has a goalId, result code and result message.


null if the action server is not connected, otherwise a GoalHandle keeping track of the state of the goal.

void cancelAllGoals()

Cancels all goals that are currently tracked by this client.

void cancelGoalsBefore(const qml_ros2_plugin::Time &time)

Cancels all goals that were sent at and before the given ROS time by this client. Use to obtain the current ROS time which can differ from the actual time.

void cancelGoalsBefore(const QDateTime &time)

Cancels all goals that were sent at and before the given ROS time by this client. Use to obtain the current ROS time which can differ from the actual time.


void serverReadyChanged()

Emitted when the connected status changes, e.g., when the client connected to the server.


bool ready

True if the ActionClient is connected to the ActionServer, false otherwise.

QString actionType

The type of the action. Example: action_tutorials_interfaces/action/Fibonacci.

class GoalHandle : public QObjectRos2

Public Functions

void cancel()

Sends a cancellation request to the ActionServer.


qml_ros2_plugin::action_goal_status::GoalStatus status

The goal status in form of an action_goal_status enum value: Aborted, Accepted, Canceled, Canceling, Executing, Succeeded, Unknown

enum qml_ros2_plugin::action_goal_status::GoalStatus


enumerator Aborted
enumerator Accepted
enumerator Canceled
enumerator Canceling
enumerator Executing
enumerator Succeeded
enumerator Unknown